MMS have logistics and mobilisation bases in both Hull and Grimsby.
The Hull base is located in Alexandra Dock which is situated next to the Seimens Gamesa blade factory. This base offers clients 250 metres of quay space which can accommodate vessels up to 150 x 23 metres.
Access into Alexandra Dock is through penned lock gates which ensure ensures that the dock is non-tidal and vessels are kept at a constant level, making it ideal for mobilisation projects.
MMS can also offer office space, parking and secure storage for long or short term projects.
Large structures can be fabricated or modified by the shipyard utilising the alongside workshops ready for load out onto vessels.
If required the vessels can sail directly from the Hull base and be loaded alongside with the company crane and forklifts.

The Grimsby base is located in the Fish Dock which is ideally situated to service the local offshore windfarms.
This base offers clients a 2 berth mooring pontoon, quay space, cranage and secure parking. The shore side facility includes a marine operations office, crew changing facilities recreation and wash room amenities.